Friday, November 29, 2019

Diet Essays - Bodyweight Exercise, Physical Exercise, Powerlifting

Diet Water - 64 ounces Smaller, more frequent meals Eat Soup Eat complex carbohydrates (rice, potatoes, corn, pasta) Spicy foods quiet the appetite Feast on Fiber (barley, oat products, beans, apples, citrus fruits carrots, potatoes) Eat simply (Soup/Salad, main dish, desert) Crush the munchies with exercise Ask why you want to eat (avoid stress eating) Remove foods that trigger the appetite Aerobic exercise Work up to 30 minutes 3 times a week Running/Walking Ski Machine Bike machine Stair climber Weight Training Legs - Squats- bar bells on shoulders, squat to 90 degrees Leg extensions- use bench Outer & inner thigh- lie on side raise weighted ankle all the way Calf raises- standing with dumbbells in hands Abdominal exercises- Crunches with legs on chair at 90 degrees, raise head and shoulders Crunch raising left shoulder towards right knee, then reverse. Reverse sit-ups lie on back with knees bent, roll hips up off floor by lifting knees toward chest, keep hands at sides. Side bends- hold dumbbell in one hand, bend other arm up over head, lean sideways afap, return to erect, then lean to other side, switch sides. Sit on chair using hands for support, bring knees up to chest, then extend your legs out in circular motion, then back to chest. Chest - Bench press Butterflies Shoulders - Sit or stand with dumbbells down at sides. With arms bent slightly at elbows raise weights out and up all the way over your head. Lie face down on bench with dumbbell in each hand, lift out and up as far as possible. Back - Pull down machine at a gym Dumbbell rolls - Support yourself with one knee and one hand on a bench and hold a dumbbell in the other hand. Row the weight up to the side of your chest, using back muscles, make sure elbow rises up behind your back. Arms - Curls Pull down machine for triceps Alternative might be lie back on bench and pull barbells from floor, over face, to chest and back.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Reason for Cohabitation Essays

Reason for Cohabitation Essays Reason for Cohabitation Essay Reason for Cohabitation Essay Non Marital Relationship live in partner Cohabitation is an arrangement whereby two people decide to live together on a long-term or permanent basis in an emotionally and/or sexually intimate relationship. The term is most frequently applied to couples who are not married Reason for Cohabitation Today, cohabitation is a common pattern among people in the Western world. People may live together for a number of reasons. These may include wanting to test compatibility or to establish financial security before marrying. It may also be because they are unable to legally marry, due to reasons such as same-sex, some interracial or interreligious marriages are not legal or permitted. Other reasons include living as a way for polygamists or polyamorists to avoid breaking the law, or as a way to avoid the higher income taxes paid by some two-income married couples (in the United States), negative effects on pension payments (among older people), or philosophical opposition to the institution of marriage (that is, seeing little difference between the commitment to live together and the commitment to marriage). Some individuals also may choose cohabitation because they see their relationships as being private and personal matters, and not to be controlled by political, religious or patriarchal institutions. Some couples prefer cohabitation because it does not legally commit them for an extended period, and because it is easier to establish and dissolve without the legal costs often associated with a divorce. In some jurisdictions cohabitation can be viewed legally as common-law marriages, either after the duration of a specified period, or the birth of the couples child, or if the couple consider and behave accordingly as husband and wife. This helps provide the surviving partner a legal basis for inheriting the deceaseds belongings in the event of the death of their cohabiting partner. ) In Saskatchewan, Canada, a married person may cohabit with other married or single persons and become the spouses of all of them under the Saskatchewan Family Property Act. Consent of the subsequent spouse is not required. Although Canada has a federal criminal code law prohibiting polygamy, which includes nyone who authorizes more than one conjugal union at a time, Saskatchewan judicial authorities that unilaterally authorize multiple conjugal unions have not yet been charged under this federal law. Opposition In the Western world, a man and a woman who lived together without being married were once socially shunned and persecuted and, in some cases, prosecuted by law. In some jurisdictions, cohabitation was illegal until relatively recently. Other jurisdictions have created a Common-law marriage status when two people of the opposite sex live together for a prescribed period of time. Most jurisdictions no longer prosecute this choice. In the province of Saskatchewan, Canada, judicial authorities have used binding authority to sanction married women being the same time spouse of other men due to cohabitation. Consent to be spouses of all persons involved is not required. Therefore, it is likely that future court challenges in Canada will use this Canadian case law to claim married persons may also civilly marry other persons without divorcing first. A scientific survey of over 1,000 married men and women in the United States of America found those who moved in with a lover before engagement or marriage reported significantly lower quality marriages and a greater possibility for splitting up than other couples. About 20 percent of those who cohabited before getting engaged had since suggested divorce compared with only 12 percent of those who only moved in together after getting engaged and 10 percent who did not cohabit prior to marriage. 1] Psychologist Dr Galena Rhoades said: There might be a subset of people who live together before they got engaged who might have decided to get married really based on other things in their relationship because they were already living together and less because they really wanted and had decided they wanted a future together. We think some couples who move in together without a clear commitment to marriage may wind up sliding into marriage partly because they are already cohabiting. [2] Support In some Western nations such as the United States and Britain divorce laws and family law give more rights toward women in terms of property rights, rights to male working labor of resource provision outside of marriage, sole parental and custody rights to children. In essence, as a legal institution, marriage is an obligation from a man to a woman to support her outside of marriage by the contractual obligations of divorce. In the United States, women initiate 2/3 of all divorce. 3] As a result some men choose to avoid what they see as the unequal commitment, responsibility, risk and obligation they would be subject to in the legal contract of marriage. The Mens and Fathers Rights Movement and Mens Rights Activists hold similar views and seek equality in divorce and custody law. Cohabitation (government) Cohabitation in government occurs in semi-presidential systems, such as Frances system, when the President is from a different political party than the majority of the membe rs of parliament. It occurs because such a system forces the president to name a premier (prime minister) that will be acceptable to the majority party within parliament. Thus, cohabitation occurs because of the duality of the executive: an independently elected President and a prime minister who must be acceptable both to this president and to the legislature. Origins Cohabitation was a product of the French Fifth Republic, albeit an unintended one. This constitution brought together a potent presidential position with manifold executive powers and a prime minister, responsible before Parliament. The presidents task was primarily to end deadlock and act decisively to avoid the stagnation prevalent under the French Fourth Republic; the prime minister, similarly, was to direct the work of government, providing a strong leadership to the legislative branch and to help overcome partisan squabbles. Since 1962, French presidents have been elected by popular vote, replacing the electoral college, which was only used once. This change was intended to give Fifth Republic presidents more power than they might have had under the original constitution, while still seen as the symbol and embodiment of the nation, the president also was given a popular mandate. Of course, the majority party of the National Assembly retained power as well, but since the popularly-elected president appointed the prime minister, the former was seen as having the upper hand in any conflict between executive and legislature. Furthermore, the mbalance is further illustrated by the fact that the President of the Fifth Republic can dissolve the Assembly at any time (but not more than once in a year), whereas the legislature has no powers of removal against the president. The sole caveat to this position of presidential pre-eminence was the fact that the presidents selection to the premiership required approval by the National Assembly, the lower house of Parliament: because the Assembly can dismiss the government by a vote of no con fidence, it follows that the prime minister must be supported by the Assembly. This was not a problem whilst the legislative majority was aligned with the president, and indeed, de Gaulle, who was responsible for inspiring much of the Constitution, never envisioned that such a conflict could exist; to him the French public would never permit such a situation. But because the president was elected to seven-year terms, and the Assembly to five-year terms, it was almost inevitable that such a situation would someday arise. Political scientists regarded it as a flaw in the constitution that had the potential to bring down the Fifth Republic. The first near miss with cohabitation occurred with the election of Socialist President Francois Mitterrand in 1981. A coalition of the right controlled the Assembly at the time. Almost immediately, Mitterrand exercised his authority to call Assembly elections, and the electorate returned an Assembly with an absolute majority of Socialists, ending the presumed crisis. However, when Assembly elections were held, as required, five years later, the Socialists lost their majority to the right, precipitating the first experiment in cohabitation.

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Impact of the Bridge between Vancouver and Vancouver Island Essay

The Impact of the Bridge between Vancouver and Vancouver Island - Essay Example There is current debate about whether or not to build a bridge to Vancouver Island, British Columbia (BC) and the mainland. Many arguments for, and against, exist. Some believe that a bridge to Vancouver Island with provide an economic boost to the surrounding area. Others believe that a bridge to the island will lead to destruction of the pristine nature of the island. The proposed bridge is compared to the bridge built connecting Prince Edward Island and the eastern mainland of Canada (New Brunswick). Feasibility studies give a grim picture of the work required, and funds needed, to construct a bridge over the Georgia Strait. Many believe that the cost of the project would outweigh any economic gain to the Island and the mainland. Vancouver Island is serviced by an airport at Nanaimo where customers can fly to and from the mainland airports located at Victoria (southern tip of Vancouver Island) and Vancouver BC. Ferry service to the island consists of four routes: Ferry service to the island can take more than 1 hours to cross the 26 Kilometer wide Georgia Strait and cost up to $60 per car. A proposed bridge would run from Vancouver Island to the Vancouver area on the Mainland. Studies conducted in the 1980's examined the feasibility of building a fixed link (bridge) connecting Vancouver Island with Vancouver on the Mainland. ... These studies didn't end debate but did show that any type of bridge building would encounter major obstacles. Any bridge built would have to stand up to earthquakes and other engineering challenges (Ministry of Transportation). The Georgia Strait is a seismically active area. Other potential problems include (Ministry of Transportation): length of a crossing could be up to 26 kilometres water depths are up to 365 metres deep, soft sediments of up to 450 metres on the ocean bed potential marine slope instabilities along the eastern side of the Strait could result in future underwater landslides extreme wave conditions (4 to 7 metre waves, with 6 metre tides and 2 knot current) design wind speed of 115 kmh with gusts up to 180 kmh passage of major ships through the area; and the need to protect a crossing structure against ship impact (a floating bridge could not withstand the impact of a tanker vessel). Several bridge types were proposed for study. They include a bored tunnel, submerged floating tunnel, floating pontoon bridge, and a series of cable style bridges (Ministry of Transportation). The bridge proposal is often compared to the bridge that was built between Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick, Canada. There are many similarities. Residents argued that a new bridge would destroy the environment on Prince Edward Island. Others argued that the convenience and fees would be lower for a fixed link than the ferry system that was in place. Both bridge locations have severe weather considerations. Theoretical Analysis Economic growth in a specified area can be accomplished in many ways. Economic growth theory is used to explain how different factors

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Education of Students with disorders and disabilities Essay

Education of Students with disorders and disabilities - Essay Example The method used should be able to solve the problem for the student. The teacher should be able to comprehend the content first and then transform it to a form that is easy to grasp by the student (Alter, Brown and Pyle 2011). The method of teaching should enable the student to decode the problem and solve most of the problems. The individual performance of each student is necessary to enable the teacher to know the method that best suits each student. There are various strategies that include the draw a picture method, the guess and check method as well the making a table or chart method. For the guess and check strategy, the teacher should ask the students to make a guess from the information that he gives. The draw a picture strategy helps the students as it creates graphics in their minds that are important in comprehending what they are learning. The same aspect applies to the making a table or a chart method. These techniques can be used to teach both Math and English Language Arts. Using Phonemic games is also important especially in teaching English. It involves moving sound tokens for each sound segment. For example, reversing the word ‘cat’ to ‘tac’ and removing the first letter to read ‘at.’ Anyone can nurture the self-esteem and self-determination of students with special needs. Their self-advocacy skills can also be enhanced for them not to feel as though they are less worthy students. Below are some of the techniques that can help in boosting the self-esteem as well as enhancing the self-determination of these students. One of the ways you can nurture the self-esteem and self-determination of students with special needs is by recognizing and enhancing their talents. The reason this is important is because not all students are talented academically. Whatever a student is gifted in, the teacher or parent should focus on that. You should also help the students to look beyond the school. Yes, it is

Monday, November 18, 2019

Preparing the Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) section of the Essay

Preparing the Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) section of the annual reports - Essay Example The management discussion and analysis is considered to be the very important section of the annual report for those people who are generally concerned with analyzing the fundamentals of the company. The management discussion and analysis includes the management and management style. This section is also very useful for the potential investors of the company. It generally includes the rules and regulations which are adopted by the Security exchange commission. The management is responsible for preparation of the management discussion and analysis. The management has to interpret each criterion that accurately derive the historical figures from the books of record and entity and determine and evaluate the relevancy of information that is to be included in the annual report under the heading of management discussion and analysis and also estimates and make assumptions that might affect the reported information which is provided. Apple Inc is the company that designs and manufactures various personal computers, mobile communication, and digital music players. It also deals with the sale of variety of accessories, third party digital content, variety of related software, and its applications. The company sells iphone, ipad and Mac. The company sells its product to its small and medium size businesses, government customers, education etc.. The company was founded by Steve Jobs in the year 1976. It has it’s headquarter in Cupertino California (Grady 72). Microsoft is engaged in licensing, developing, and also supporting different varieties of software products. It is also engaged in designing and also selling the devices which integrate with the cloud based services. It attracts global audience through online advertising. It was founded by Bill Gates in the year 1975. It has it’s headquarter in Redmond Washington (Mosher 53). The net sales of apple have risen by 7% or 11.9 million dollar in the financial year 2014 as compared

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Compare And Contrast Aristotle And Platos Political Theories Philosophy Essay

Compare And Contrast Aristotle And Platos Political Theories Philosophy Essay Plato, student of Socrates, and Aristotle, student of Plato, two of the most influential philosophers to have ever walked the earth, take two completely different approaches whilst talking about the formation of city states and epistemology itself. Plato primarily defined the nature of things in theoretical terms through metaphysics, in contrast to actual terms. Thus by looking to the higher forms he aimed to explain the function of existing knowledge and understandings in the search for the absolute truth. On the other hand Aristotle was more concerned with the actual physical features of nature, for the most part the Natural Sciences. The foremost divisions can be seen in the contrasting opinions between them primarily concerning eternal ideas, forms and causes and their relation to change, and the role of observing and explaining through the utilisation of the senses. Through their different approaches regarding the nature of man, both Plato and Aristotle sought to explain the rel ationship between the individual and society and furthermore the requirement of government to uphold order and stability. Platos ideal city-state, which he refers to in his dialogue in the Republic as the kallipolis, and Aristotles concept of the ideal relationship between the social order and government in an actual city state are contrasting not with regards to the end and purpose which they sought to fulfil, the telos, but instead over the proposed way in which they sought to meet that telos. These differing objections can be explained by the abstract and theoretical ideologies of Plato contrasting and clashing with Aristotles scientific and actual ideologies. To be able to further understand and contest the parameters of Platos kallipolis, we must first seek to understand the bare foundations of Platos theoretical ideology. At the origins of mans search for knowledge is the Theory of Forms that states that every single material thing is in fact a representation of the real thing: the form. Most people are actually unable to see the forms, merely the representation of the form, the shadow. This is how Plato makes a distinction between the material world that us humans live in and the ideal world of eternal forms. His world of forms is not a different reality, but instead an outline by which material objects are created. This can be seen most prominently in Platos Parable of the Cave from book VII of The Republic. Â   Behold! human beings living in an underground den, which has a mouth open towards the light; here these people have been from their childhood, and have their legs and necks chained so that they cannot move, and can only see before them, being prevented by the chains from turning their heads. Above and behind them a fire is blazing at a distance, and between the fire and the prisoners there is a raised walk; and you will see, if you look a low wall built along the walk, like the screen which marionette players have in front of them, over which they show the puppets.'(514A-B The Republic) The prisoners watch the shadows projected on the wall and begin to attribute forms to these shadows, the shadows are as close to viewing reality that these ordinary men will get to viewing reality. He then goes on to say that a philosopher is much like a prisoner who freed from the cave comes to realise and understand that in fact the shadows on the cave wall are not constitutive of reality at all, for they are now able to recognize the true form of reality instead of the simple shadows that the prisoners see. From this Plato explains that our senses cannot be trusted when observing and goes on to conclude that the only way of realising absolute truth is through reason. This ability to recognise and understand the true forms of things is the central concept that establishes who holds the ruling powers in his kallipolis. After having determined that it was in fact possible to form an ideal city state, Plato then looks to chose a government that would rule both justly and firmly. Firstly he discusses the reasons for which people would desire to form a state and keep within its rules. Plato states that it is not the desire of man to form a state, instead it is an inevitable need of man, for man is not self sufficient and therefore needs to live in an organised society, and that each person has a natural talent for a certain area of work and should seek to develop it further for the benefit of the state. Plato embodies the natural inequality of humanity, the origin of the state, in the division of labour. Well then, how will our state supply these needs? It will need a farmer, a builder, and a weaver, and also, I think, a shoemaker and one or two others to provide for our bodily needs. So that the minimum state would consist of four or five men. (369d The Republic) He then goeson to say that the necessity to divide labour with accordance to specializations was prescribed by nature rather than decided by man. Because Platos state is based almost entirely on abstract ideas of both knowledge and nature, his approach to politics and government itself is more theoretical than actual. Therefore if a city seeks to uphold stability it must be ruled by those that are in possession of true knowledge, philosopher kings. Aristotle has objections to the very foundation of Platos kallipolis. Due to his more grounded approach more actual than theoretical in nature, Aristotle argues that man does not seek to make a state simply because it is essential due to man not being self sufficient, instead it is because of an innate instinct. He goes on to argue that the state in fact existed in nature before it was discovered by man, and that a human being is by nature a political animal, and anyone who is without a city-state'(1253a Politics)is not a man. Even in mans most primitive form, mans nature forces him to realise his role within a given city, or polis. It is in fact mans self preservation instincts that directs to the organization of the masses, attempting to avoid conflict. Thus politics through a formal government was a means by which to resist chaos: it is not as Plato believes a thing of forms, rather it is an innate instinct of man. Platos kallipolis had within it ideas of a strong unified community and conformity. Aristotle states that Platos assumption that the people can be as unified as he believes they must be in his kallipolis is entirely unrealistic. He rejects complete uniformity and conformity, describing the potential dangers in terms of the relationships between the state and the household, and the household and the individual, arguing that the more uniform a city state is, the more it will resemble a household and eventually even an individual. He goes on to conclude that a city-state is not a natural unity in the way some people say it is, and that what has been alleged to be the greatest good for the city-states destroys them. (Politics 1261b). When man is responsible for his own crops and home within a community, the effort and pride placed into the upkeep of them is massive. However in a community where there are a lot of shared goods very little effort is put in, because the thought that someon e else is attending to it makes them neglect it the more (Politics 1261b 30) and ultimately the city state is reliant upon a broad variety of people and services. The differences between Plato and Aristotles ways which they select their governments rullers an be attributed in part to Aristotles outright rebuffal of the kallipolis. Plato states that for a city to be ideal it has to be just and good, and that goodcan only be realised if the city is lead by people able to see the true forms of things and understand true knowledge. Ultimately philosophers must become kings, or kings must become philosophers, known as the guardian class. The rules selected by these guardian kings would be enforced by the Auxiliaries class, men of courage and intelligence, whilst the majority of people would make up the lower end of society, the producer class. His kallipolis is best described as an aristocracy, something Aristotle greatly disagrees with as he rejects the idea that those elite few with absolute truth will be the rulers of governments. Aristotle instead seeks to create a perfect relationship between the government and social order, looking most prolifically at balance when determining where the power of government would lie, whether it be in the hands of few or the masses. First he looked at whether or not the proposed leaders would govern for their own self interests or for good of the polis, separating the candidates into the three parts of the city state: the very rich, the very poor; and , third, those in between these. (Politics 295b) Aristotle determined that the poor do not know how to rule, but only how to be ruled in the way slaves are ruled'(Politics 295b) and that the rich do not know how to be ruled in any way, but only know how to rule as masters rule. (Politics 295b) Aristotle then goes on to determine that the middle class should form the ruling body because it reduces the chances of divisions because the middle do not desire other peoples property as the poor do, nor do other people desire theirsAnd because they are neither plotted against nor engage in plotting. (Politics 295b). Comparing the two proposed city states and governments it is clear that there is more to Aristotles objections to the parable of the cave: it is not just regarding the matter of the elite few being masters of the slaves that are the masses, but how the actual power is obtained. Plato believed that man could achieve absolute truth only by consideration of the eternal forms, not through observations and experiences. Aristotle instead shifted away from this view and instead used observations and experiences to pursue his goal of achieving knowledge. Famously Aristotle is thought of as the father of biology, his great encyclopaedia of knowledge and observations still influence the academics of today. Because the world is constantly changing, Aristotle determined that absolute knowledge is not possible, a stark contrast to Platos views, believing that through observing the material things, one could understand its underlying form. I personally believe that Aristotles way of viewing things is more effective simply because it is more realistic and down to earth, he is not always thinking of hypothetical forms like Plato, instead he is observing their real embodiments and coming to conclusions.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Scientific Materalism v. Crime and Punishment Essay examples -- Litera

Author of Crime and Punishment, Feodor Dostoevsky, uses the text to subtly exhibit factors which aid in disproving the idea of scientific materialism. He aims to prove that there must be another explanation for our complexities, unlike the opposing one in which everything is believed to be made or conducted by matter. Regardless of extensive scientific experimentation, there are still many aspects of the human mind and body that remain unclear. Crime and Punishment relays some extreme qualities possessed by humans which are argued by many to be valid proof of our creation by a higher power. The fact that humans are emotional beings and that emotions are not classified as matter creates the opportunity for philosophical debate. Dostoevsky feeds on this uncertainty and assists in the argument of refuting scientific materialism by providing examples of human emotions such as shame, pity, compassion, love, and guilt. He also attempts to refute scientific materialism by suggesting the existence of a human conscience, free will, self sacrifice, and pure evil. Crime and Punishment revolves around main character, Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov, and the physical, mental, and spiritual repercussions he endures after he commits murder. In other words, â€Å"the whole novel is built around the unique process of disintegration in the hero's soul† (Bem 2). When we first meet Raskolnikov, we learn he is a relatively young ex-student who has fallen into the poverty stricken slums of St. Petersburg, Russia. He has become unhealthily anti-social and bitter towards humanity and is now trapped within and tortured by his own thoughts. It is revealed that he is struggling internally with the idea of murdering a pawnbroker, Alena Ivanovna, with... ...ter. Web. 11 Apr. 2012. "Crime and Punishment." Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism. Ed. Jessica Bomarito and Russel Whitaker. Vol. 167. Detroit: Gale, 2006. Literature Resource Center. Web. 11 Apr. 2012. Dostoevsky, Feodor. Crime and Punishment. Ed. George Gibian. Trans. Coulson. 3rd ed. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1989. Print. Leatherbarrow, William J. "Chapter 4: The Principle of Uncertainty: Crime and Punishment." Fedor Dostoevsky. William J. Leatherbarrow. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1981. Twayne's World Authors Series 636. The Twayne Authors Series. Web. 14 Apr. 2012. Santangelo, Gennaro. "The Five Motives of Raskolnikov." Dalhousie Review 54.4 (Winter 1974): 710-719. Rpt. in Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism. Ed. Jessica Bomarito and Russel Whitaker. Vol. 167. Detroit: Gale, 2006. Literature Resource Center. Web. 14 Apr. 2012. Scientific Materalism v. Crime and Punishment Essay examples -- Litera Author of Crime and Punishment, Feodor Dostoevsky, uses the text to subtly exhibit factors which aid in disproving the idea of scientific materialism. He aims to prove that there must be another explanation for our complexities, unlike the opposing one in which everything is believed to be made or conducted by matter. Regardless of extensive scientific experimentation, there are still many aspects of the human mind and body that remain unclear. Crime and Punishment relays some extreme qualities possessed by humans which are argued by many to be valid proof of our creation by a higher power. The fact that humans are emotional beings and that emotions are not classified as matter creates the opportunity for philosophical debate. Dostoevsky feeds on this uncertainty and assists in the argument of refuting scientific materialism by providing examples of human emotions such as shame, pity, compassion, love, and guilt. He also attempts to refute scientific materialism by suggesting the existence of a human conscience, free will, self sacrifice, and pure evil. Crime and Punishment revolves around main character, Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov, and the physical, mental, and spiritual repercussions he endures after he commits murder. In other words, â€Å"the whole novel is built around the unique process of disintegration in the hero's soul† (Bem 2). When we first meet Raskolnikov, we learn he is a relatively young ex-student who has fallen into the poverty stricken slums of St. Petersburg, Russia. He has become unhealthily anti-social and bitter towards humanity and is now trapped within and tortured by his own thoughts. It is revealed that he is struggling internally with the idea of murdering a pawnbroker, Alena Ivanovna, with... ...ter. Web. 11 Apr. 2012. "Crime and Punishment." Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism. Ed. Jessica Bomarito and Russel Whitaker. Vol. 167. Detroit: Gale, 2006. Literature Resource Center. Web. 11 Apr. 2012. Dostoevsky, Feodor. Crime and Punishment. Ed. George Gibian. Trans. Coulson. 3rd ed. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1989. Print. Leatherbarrow, William J. "Chapter 4: The Principle of Uncertainty: Crime and Punishment." Fedor Dostoevsky. William J. Leatherbarrow. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1981. Twayne's World Authors Series 636. The Twayne Authors Series. Web. 14 Apr. 2012. Santangelo, Gennaro. "The Five Motives of Raskolnikov." Dalhousie Review 54.4 (Winter 1974): 710-719. Rpt. in Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism. Ed. Jessica Bomarito and Russel Whitaker. Vol. 167. Detroit: Gale, 2006. Literature Resource Center. Web. 14 Apr. 2012.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Grieving Before a Death: Understanding Anticipatory Grief Essay

When my Grandmother was diagnosed with lung cancer, I was instantly crushed at thinking about all of the possibilities that there were for what could happen next; I could lose my Grandmother forever. After learning that the cause of my Grandmothers cancer was from smoking I told myself that I would never smoke and that I wanted to help people to stop smoking. When an individual first gets lung cancer they may start to have a persistent cough or a heavy feeling in their chest. Some of the effects of lung cancer are shortness of breath, wheezing, fatigue, and unexplained weight loss. One of the big causes of lung cancer is smoking, the more that you smoke the more likely it is that you will get lung cancer, also if you start smoking at a young age. My Grandmother and I had a very close relationship; I would always want to go to her house so that my Grandmother and I could cook together and also do arts and crafts. Whenever I would go visit my grandmother I would walk in and the smell of the fresh baked cookies was always the first thing to welcome you into her home. This was followed by the smell of fresh squeezed lemonade, when you would drink it you wouldn’t scrunch your face together because it was sour, my Grandmother had figured out the perfect recipe for lemonade. My Grandmother and I would always make lunch and dinner together, whenever I would go over she would teach me new things about the kitchen; she is the reason that I love to cook for my family whenever I get the chance. Having this close of a relationship with my Grandmother is what made it so hard for me when I found out she had cancer. I found out that my Grandmother was diagnosed with lung cancer around the time of my 14th birthday; I remember I had just come back from playing basketball with some of my friends because it was summer vacation. I walked into my house and my mother and father were seated in the living room on the couch, my mother was crying on my father’s shoulder. I was so confused I had no idea what was happening, I went over and asked my parents what was wrong. My mother told me to sit down and she began to tell me that my Grandmother had been diagnosed with cancer, when I heard this I felt like my heart had dropped to my feet but I had also remembered that some cancers were treatable so I asked my mom if it was. She told me that they had found the cancer too late and that my Grandmother was not going to live much longer, this is when I completely lost it my heart had dropped even further and my stomach started to hurt. I ran to my room as tears were pouring out of my eyes, I slammed my door and just fell on my bed crying, I didn’t know what to do. My parents came up and talked to me and said that it we would all get through this together and that we were going to go visit my grandmother in the hospital the next day. When I went to the hospital with my parents the next day to visit my Grandmother I was sad that I was going to the hospital to see her but at the same time I was also scared about what I was going to see. When we walked into the hospital it was as if someone dimmed down all the lights everywhere as if they were trying to make this already terrible place even worse. As I walked down the hallways to my Grandmothers room I saw all the other people in beds some just lying there some with family and some were watching TV. When I walked into my Grandmothers room I was frightened because of all of the different machines that were hooked up to her body, the first thought that went through my mind when seeing all of the machines hooked up to her body was her becoming inspector gadget. I went over to talk to her and it was difficult to hear her because of the beeping of the machines and it didn’t help that she was talking quietly. After about thirty minutes of us being there I asked my mother if we could leave because I didn’t like seeing my Grandmother when she was hooked up to all the machines. As we walked towards the exit of the hospital my eyes began to water again and once we left I burst into tears because I was so upset that out of all people this had to happen to my Grandmother the one person that I connected with most in my family. About six months had passed, I was now fourteen. School at started back up and I was trying to hide all of my feelings about my Grandmother from my friends so they wouldn’t also be sad. One day after school I came home as I always did but this time when I went inside my mom came to me and said that we were going to go say goodbye to my Grandmother, this made me feel terrible I didn’t want to say bye to one of my family member who I was so close with. We arrived at the hospital and once again I felt as if someone dimmed all the lights to make it feel even gloomier in the hospital. This time when we got to my Grandmothers room I didn’t even recognize her, because she had been through so much surgery to try and stay alive longer. This made me feel miserable because she had gone through all that treatment and pain throughout the last six months and she was still going to be taken away from me forever. Before I left the hospital that night I went to my Grandmother gave her a big hug and said goodbye, she gave me her cross necklace that she had been wearing and said to always keep this, she said that as long as I had this necklace she would always be with me. That is the biggest reason that I was able to move on because I would always see the necklace and then remember what she told me that she was always with me. After I witnessed firsthand what lung cancer could do to someone I began to tell people to stop smoking and also helped people quit. I would tell them the story about how when I went to see my Grandmother after all of her cancer treatments that I couldn’t even recognize her, after that a lot of them would want to stop. I would then talk about how this affected my life and how if they were diagnosed it could affect someone else’s life. In my survey it was shown that people who had family or friends diagnosed with lung cancer or killed by lung cancer were almost always affected by it.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Indigo Spell Chapter Eighteen

I CERTAINLY HADN'T EXPECTED to walk away from today's trip with joint custody of a miniature dragon. (I refused to call it a demon). And, as it turned out, Adrian was already proving not to be the most dedicated of â€Å"fathers.† â€Å"You can take him for now,† he told me when we got back to Amberwood. â€Å"I'll handle weekend visitations.† â€Å"You don't have anything going on. Besides, we're only a few days from the weekend,† I protested. â€Å"And you don't know that it's a ‘he.'† â€Å"Well, I don't think he'll mind, and besides, I'm not going to investigate to find out the truth.† Adrian put the quartz in the basket and closed the lid before handing it over to me. â€Å"You don't have to summon him back, you know.† I took the basket and opened the car door. â€Å"I know. But I feel kind of bad leaving him as a rock.† Ms. Terwilliger had told me it'd be healthier for him if I let him out once in a while. â€Å"See? Motherly instinct already. You're a natural, Sage.† Adrian grinned and handed me a bag of pie slices. He'd kept some for himself. â€Å"Look at you. You don't even need to break the tattoo. You think you would've been mothering a baby dragon a month ago?† â€Å"I don't know.† But he had a point. It seemed likely I would've run screaming from it back in the desert. Or maybe tried to exorcise it. â€Å"I'll take him for now, but you've got to pull your weight at some point. Ms. Terwilliger says the callistana needs to spend time with both of us. Hmm.† â€Å"Hmm, what?† I shook my head. â€Å"Just getting ahead of myself. Wondering what I'd do with him if I did go to Mexico.† Adrian gave me a puzzled look. â€Å"What about Mexico?† It had never come up, I realized. All Adrian had known about was Marcus's mission and the initial tattoo breaking, not the sealing. I hadn't been keeping the rest a secret, but suddenly, I felt uncomfortable telling Adrian about it. â€Å"Oh. Well, Marcus says that after I perform this rebellious act, we can break the elements and free me from the tattoo's control. But to truly bind the spell and make sure the tattoo is never repaired, I need to tattoo over it – like he did. He calls it sealing. But it takes some special compound that's hard to find. He got his done in Mexico and is going to take some of his Merry Men there so they can do it.† â€Å"I see.† Adrian's smile had vanished. â€Å"So. Are you joining them?† I shrugged. â€Å"I don't know. Marcus wants me to.† â€Å"I'm sure he does.† I ignored the tone. â€Å"I've thought about it . . . but it's a big step. Not just for the tattoo, either. If I did that, there'd be no going back. I'd be turning my back on the Alchemists.† â€Å"And us,† he said. â€Å"Unless you really are only helping Jill because of your orders.† â€Å"You know it's not about that anymore.† Again, I didn't like his tone. â€Å"You know I care about her and . . . and the rest of you.† His face was hard. â€Å"And yet you'd run off with some guy you just met.† â€Å"It's not like that! We wouldn't be ‘running off together. I'd be coming back! And we'd be going for a specific reason.† â€Å"Beaches and margaritas?† I was speechless for a few moments. It was so close to what Marcus had joked about. Was that all anyone associated with Mexico? â€Å"I see how it is,† I snapped. â€Å"You were all in favor of me breaking the tattoo and thinking on my own – but that's only okay if it's convenient for you, huh? Just like your loving from afar' only works if you don't have an opportunity to get your hands all over me. And your lips. And . . . stuff.† Adrian rarely got mad, and I wouldn't quite say he was now. But he was definitely exasperated. â€Å"Are you seriously in this much self-denial, Sydney? Like do you actually believe yourself when you say you don't feel anything? Especially after what's been happening between us?† â€Å"Nothing's happening between us,† I said automatically. â€Å"Physical attraction isn't the same as love. You of all people should know that.† â€Å"Ouch,† he said. His expression hadn't changed, but I saw hurt in his eyes. I'd wounded him. â€Å"Is that what bothers you? My past? That maybe I'm an expert in an area you aren't?† â€Å"One I'm sure you'd just love to educate me in. One more girl to add to your list of conquests.† He was speechless for a few moments and then held up one finger. â€Å"First, I don't have a list.† Another finger. â€Å"Second, if I did have a list, I could find someone a hell of lot less frustrating to add to it.† For the third finger, he leaned toward me. â€Å"And finally, I know that you know you're no conquest, so don't act like you seriously think that. You and I have been through too much together. We're too close, too connected. I wasn't that crazy on spirit when I said you're my flame in the dark. We chase away the shadows around each other. Our backgrounds don't matter. What we have is bigger than that. I love you, and beneath all that logic, calculation, and superstition, I know you love me too. Running away to Mexico and fleeing all your problems isn't going to change that. You're just going to end up scared and confused.† â€Å"I already feel that way,† I said quietly. Adrian moved back and leaned into his seat, looking tired. â€Å"Well, that's the most accurate thing you've said so far.† I grabbed the basket and jerked open the car door. Without another word, I stormed off toward the dorm, refusing to look back in case he saw the tears that had inexplicably appeared in my eyes. Only, I wasn't sure exactly which part of our conversation I was most upset about. The tears seemed like they were going to stay put by the time I reached my room, but I still had to calm down. Even once my emotions were settled, it was hard to shake his words. You're my flame in the dark. We chase away the shadows around each other. What did that even mean? At least smuggling a dragon into my room provided a pretty good distraction. I brought the basket inside, hoping demonic dragons weren't contraband. No one stopped me when I went upstairs, and I was left wondering how I was going to confine him if I did summon him back. The basket didn't seem all that secure, and I certainly wasn't going to let him run loose in my dorm room. When I reached my door, I found Jill standing outside, her pale green eyes wide with excitement. â€Å"I want to see him,† she said. The bond was strongest in moments of high emotion, and judging from Adrian's face when the dragon had been chasing us, his emotions had been running pretty strong. I wondered if she'd witnessed our argument too or if that hadn't come through the bond. Maybe the tension between him and me was second nature to her now. â€Å"I can't let him out yet,† I said, letting her into my room. â€Å"I need something to keep him in. Like a birdcage. Maybe I can get one tomorrow.† Jill frowned in thought, then brightened. â€Å"I have an idea.† She glanced at my alarm clock. â€Å"I hope it's not too late.† And without further explanation, she took off, promising to be back soon. I was still a little shaky from today's magic but hadn't had time to rectify the situation after all the other excitement. So, I sat at my desk with a spell book and ate the rest of the now-soft coconut cream pie, careful to first cut off the part where the dragon had eaten. I didn't know if callistanas had communicable germs, but I wasn't taking any chances. Jill returned an hour later, bearing a rectangular glass aquarium, like the kind you'd keep fish or gerbils in. â€Å"Where'd you get that?† I asked, moving a lamp off my desk. â€Å"My biology teacher. Our guinea pig died a couple weeks ago, and she's been too sad to replace him.† â€Å"Didn't she ask what you needed it for?† I examined the tank and found it spotless, so someone had apparently cleaned it after the guinea pig's unfortunate passing. â€Å"We can't have pets.† â€Å"I told her I was building a diorama. She didn't question it.† Jill eagerly brought the aquarium over to the desk. â€Å"We can give it back when you get your own.† I set the quartz crystal inside and slammed on the tank's lid, making sure it was securely attached. After more entreating from Jill, I spoke the summoning words. A bit of smoke appeared, and the quartz transformed back into the dragon. Mercifully, he didn't make any more of that screeching, so I guessed he was still full. Instead, he scampered around the tank, examining his new home. At one point, he tried to climb the side, but his tiny claws couldn't get traction on the glass. â€Å"Well, that's a relief,† I said. Jill's face was filled with wonder. â€Å"I think he'll be bored in there. You should get him some toys.† â€Å"Toys for a demon? Isn't it enough that I give him pie?† â€Å"He wants you,† she insisted. Sure enough, I glanced back at the tank and found the callistana regarding me adoringly. He was even wagging his tail. â€Å"No,† I said sternly. â€Å"This isn't a Disney movie where I have an adorable sidekick. You aren't coming out.† I cut off a piece of blueberry pie and put it in the tank in case he wanted a midnight snack. No way would I risk a late-night wakeup call. After a moment's thought, I added a stress ball and a scarf. â€Å"There,† I told Jill. â€Å"Food, a toy, and a bed. Happy?† The callistana apparently was. He batted the ball around a few times and then curled up on the nest I'd made with the scarf. He looked more or less content, aside from the fact that he kept watching me. â€Å"Aww,† she said. â€Å"Look how sweet he is. What are you going to name him?† Like I needed something else to worry about. â€Å"His ‘father' can name him. I'm already on the hook for the Mustang.† After a bit more swooning, Jill finally retired for the night. I made my own preparations for bed, always keeping one eye on the dragon. He did nothing threatening, however, and I even managed to fall asleep, though my sleep was restless. I kept imagining he'd find a way out and come get into bed with me. And of course, I had my usual fears about Veronica coming after me. I did hit one stretch of sound sleep, during which Adrian pulled me into a spirit dream. After our earlier fight, I honestly hadn't expected to see him tonight, a thought that had saddened me. The reception hall materialized around us, but the image wavered and kept fading in and out. â€Å"I didn't think you'd come,† I told him. No wedding clothes tonight. He wore what he'd had on earlier, jeans and the AYE shirt, though both looked a bit more wrinkled. He was dressed as he was in reality, I realized. â€Å"You think I'd abandon you to Veronica?† â€Å"No,† I admitted. â€Å"What's wrong with the room?† He looked a little embarrassed. â€Å"My control's not all it could be tonight.† I didn't understand . . . at first. â€Å"You're drunk.† â€Å"I've been drinking,† he corrected, leaning against one of the tables. â€Å"If I was drunk, I wouldn't be here at all. And really, this is pretty good for four White Russians.† â€Å"White what?† I almost sat down but was afraid the chair might dematerialize beneath me. â€Å"It's a drink,† he said. â€Å"You'd think I wouldn't be into something named that – you know, considering my own personal experience with Russians. But they're surprisingly delicious. The drinks, not real Russians. They've got Kahlua. It might be the drink you've been waiting your whole life for.† â€Å"Kahlua does not taste like coffee,† I said. â€Å"So don't start with that.† I was insanely curious to know why he'd been drinking. Sometimes he did it to numb spirit, but he seemed to still want to access that magic tonight. And of course, half the time, he didn't even need a reason to drink. Deep inside me, I wondered if our fight had driven him to it. I didn't know whether to feel guilty or annoyed. â€Å"I also had to come tonight to apologize,† he said. He sat down, apparently not having the same fears about chairs. For one inexplicably terrifying moment, I thought he was going to take back the part about me being his flame in the dark. Instead, he told me, â€Å"If you need to go to Mexico to finish this process off, then I understand. I was wrong to criticize you for it or even imply that I had some kind of say in it. One of the greatest things about you is that in the end, you always make smart decisions. Can't always say the same for myself. Whatever you need to do, I'll support you.† Those annoying tears almost returned, and I blinked them back. â€Å"Thank you. That means a lot . . . and to tell you the truth, right now, I still don't know what I'm going to do. I know Marcus is worried about me eventually getting in trouble and being under their control. Then again, staying part of the Alchemists seems like it'd give me more power, and besides . . . I don't want to leave you. Er, you guys.† He smiled, and it lit up his whole face. Like a flame in the dark. â€Å"Well, ‘we' are certainly happy to hear that. Oh, and I'm also happy to watch our darling little love child dragon while you're in St. Louis.† I grinned back. â€Å"As a rock or in his real form?† â€Å"Haven't decided yet. How's he doing right now?† â€Å"He's locked in an aquarium. I'm guessing I'd wake up if he got into bed with me, so he must still be asleep.† I hoped. â€Å"Well, I'm sure getting into bed with you would be – † Adrian held back whatever comment he'd been about to utter. He instead gestured to the table, and a Monopoly board appeared. â€Å"Shall we play?† I walked over and peered at the board. It apparently was also suffering from his drinking, seeing as half the streets were blank. The ones that were there had names like â€Å"Castile Causeway† and â€Å"Jailbait Avenue.† â€Å"The board's a little incomplete,† I said diplomatically. Adrian didn't seem concerned. â€Å"Well, then, I guess that improves your odds.† I couldn't resist that and took a gamble on sitting in one of the chairs. I smiled at him and then began counting money, happy that all was (relatively) right in the world with us again.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Minimum Wage, Health Benefits essays

Minimum Wage, Health Benefits essays Companies should not have the liberty to pay their workers a low wage. Instead, they should follow a standard minimum pay to insure a fair wage amongst all of the working class. The maximum hours should be less than our current system, which would then create more over-time paid hours. Also, health benefits should be distributed in reverse order of income, meaning complete coverage to the working class, less to the middle class, and none to the highest class. With a guaranteed minimum wage, it would not only create fairness among the working class, but also allow the poverty line to be more cautiously positioned. What I mean by this is that if there is one set minimum wage that is the least one working class member can earn, it can be assumed that this wage should be right above the line of poverty to ensure the opportunity of our working class the economic sufficiency needed to survive. If not for this set standard demanded from companies, then it would be hard to maintain some sort of control over the working class. At least, with a set minimum wage, a limit is set to how little income a family can earn. With this said, I would assume that the minimum wage is measured to be sufficient enough for someone to survive and function with. With companies paying however they wish, or according to their own supply and demand, the instability of our working class would be too great of a challenge. Not only would it become easier for companies to exploit or abuse the working class, but it would become harder for the government to regulate and try to solve the problems dealing with poverty. Therefore, the minimum wage should not only be set and guaranteed, but it should be placed at a rate high enough for a family to at the very least survive with food, shelter, and clothes. With a set minimum wage guaranteed, a worker should be allowed to work a limit of thirty hours a week for a minimum pay. This is a fair standard because it is d...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Intermediate targets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Intermediate targets - Essay Example One of the most quoted examples of an indirect target is the money supply in an economy. Federal Reserve cannot destroy the old dollars neither it can throw a batch of new ones in the market (in practice, the Fed has all the authority to print new dollars and increase the money supply directly but it is most likely and the assumption here is that it wont do the same) (Bofinger, Reischle & Schachter, 2001). Therefore, in order to increase or decrease the money supply in the market, the process is to alter the interest rates of the economy and open market operations of buying or selling bonds. Low interest rates coupled with the Fed’s attempt to buy the bonds in the market would increase the money supply in the market since people would take their money out of their banks to search for other investment alternatives, which can create higher returns. Furthermore, the individuals who previously had bonds now hold their asset in a form liquid form thus increasing the overall money s upply in the market (Solow & Taylor, 1999; Bofinger, Reischle & Schachter, 2001) Unemployment is also an intermediate target of monetary policy. Despite the fact that this is not the goal of monetary policy under all monetary policy but it is a major goal for most of them. In order to decrease unemployment, the monetary policy experts would try to decrease the interest rates, which would in return boost the investment from the side of the general public. More investment would lead to more job opportunities and more job opportunities, thus, reducing the overall level of unemployment (Bofinger, Reischle & Schachter, 2001). Furthermore, with decreasing interest rates, the inflation is likely to go up which would give an incentive for the producers to produce more and earn greater profits in nominal terms. This motivates the producers to further increase the output and productivity, which leads to more employment opportunities (Solow & Taylor, 1999). Inflation Targeting In most of the s tates and countries where monetary policy exists, one of its prime targets is to target inflation and keep the same under the desired range, by either causing an increase or decrease in it. Since interest rate is the main tool of monetary policy for Central Bank, the inverse relationship of interest rates and inflation rates makes it clear for the general public that what the Central Bank is trying to do with the inflation (Walsh, 2003). For example, if the inflation is above the desired or targeted level and the Federal Reserve wants to bring it down, the idea would be to raise the interest rates so that the inflation rates could drop down (Gali, 2008). Therefore, according to its definition, inflation targeting refers to the process used the Federal Reserve with which the Fed estimates, plans and set a target for future inflation and with the help of monetary policy tools makes an attempt to accomplish the same. People in the economy also get to know this target so that they could plan their savings, wages, incomes, and others in line of that future level of inflation. Almost all the developing and developed countries in the world actively use inflation targeting since it helps in the smoothing of economic operations in the country (Bofinger, Reischle & Schachter, 2001). Inflation targeting, which is being used by many emerging economies of the world, if successfully anchored, leads to great benefits. First,

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Concideration of fraud in an audit Research Paper

Concideration of fraud in an audit - Research Paper Example FRAUD Fraud is a word used in broader concepts and approaches. It basically refers to any illegal action characterized by deceit and concealment which isn’t conducted under any violence, force or threat. The aim of every fraudulent activity is an undue advantage which could be institutional or personal. (Flostoiu.2012) Characteristics of Fraud: Fraud results in victim that loses a benefit because of the criminal’s fraud. It is represented by a series of illegal actions and irregularities which are all planned with the intention to deceive. Fraud is also referred to activities which involve concealment of information that was to be revealed by an obligation and intended omission of certain information or documents including misstatements and misrepresentation of information. Fraud also includes falsification of financial situations, corruption and theft. It is always important to distinguish between a fraud and error. The results of both error and fraud could be the same , but fraud is committed intentionally while error happens unintentionally. (Flostoiu.2012) Fraud Triangle Theory: A fraud triangle is a model which discloses the factors found in fraudsters at all levels of organization. This theory researched about the factors that force honest people to commit fraud. These factors could be summed as Pressure/Incentive, Opportunity and Rationalization that put an individual in a position to conduct fraud. (Dorminey, Scott, Kranacher & Riley. 2010) In a Fraud Triangle pressure refers to situations that put mental pressure/incentive on an individual which forces him to commit fraud. These situations could include excessive credit card debts, gambling debts, extended unemployment, family or peer pressures, unbearable expenditures and financial difficulties etc. For an auditor, pressure is difficult to identify in a fraudster as there is no personal interaction with him. (Dorminey, Scott, Kranacher & Riley. 2010) Opportunity as the word suggests, is a n instance where the fraudster finds a loophole in the controls which prevent fraud. An employee usually finds a chance where he can commit fraud without being detected. This opportunity for an employee can arise from weak internal controls and inability of frauds being detected, lack of training, weak ethical culture where honesty in doing business isn’t considered a priority and lack of supervision etc. Most opportunities arising situations for fraud include lack of internal controls like segregation of duties not being implemented properly. (Dorminey, Scott, Kranacher & Riley. 2010) Rationalization refers to that state of mind where the fraudster convinces himself that whatever fraud he has committed was either not wrong or even it was wrong it an be corrected later on by returning the money or compensating for it. Another state of rationalization is found when a fraudster convinces himself that he deserves the stolen money. The reason for this rationalization could be the unfair treatment in the organization like a recent promotion or increment not being offered which forces him to believe that has been victimized. (Kassem, Rasha, & Higson, Andrew. 2012) Recent researchers have extended the Fraud Triangle and added a fourth factor to the triangle making it as a diamond. This factor is the capability of the fraudster to conduct fraud. Capabilities include the traits of the fraudster i.e. in presence of the three factors of fraud